India arie songs with lyrics
India arie songs with lyrics

india arie songs with lyrics

“You’ll never be happy and you’ll never be whole, until you see the beauty in growing old.”

india arie songs with lyrics

“Spirit knows no color, either you’re a hater or a lover.” “The words that come from your mouth, you’re the first to hear….No matter what anyone says, what matters is what you think of yourself.” I wouldn’t want to dilute that experience. Normally, I might break each of these down and ramble about what they mean to me, but the beauty of music is that it takes on different meanings for every person that indulges. As this list grew, I realized that I should share it because what good are these words just sitting in my phone? So, below are some India Arie lyrics to read and internalize to continue practicing self and community love. I started writing down lyrics that I wanted to remember - my iOS notes are filled with lists like this. Alas, I simply can’t seem to put my finger on why I love her music so much….

india arie songs with lyrics

It could be that her songs make me smile about my Blackness - even in these trying times - they remind me of the strength and pride of womanhood, they allow me to embrace my imperfects as unique aspects of who I am. It could be that her lyrics feel real without being hopeless, or that her music is upbeat while also remaining soothing. Not that there needs to be a reason, she’s an amazing artist, but I’m not sure what to make of the fact that every time I’m feeling ~ musical ~ I ask Alexa to just play anything by her. I can’t quite put my finger on why, but I’ve been listening to SO much India Arie lately.

India arie songs with lyrics